PGM3 Optimize for Smartphones

Alte Version im SVN
Control FHEM with your smartphone from everywhere
- pgm3 since v100108. This version is included in fhem-4.9.
The Goal
Current smartphones like Android/iPhone and others have "big" screens and a good usability.
You can use pgm3 easily with your smartphone from everywhere. You can
- see full gnuplot pictures without e.g. flash and other things which are not supported on smartphones. pgm3 uses only html and PNG.
- fast load because you can minimize the startpage. Then you only see a nearly blank screen.
- do a lot of other things too -- everything which is possible on PC too.
Prepare pgm3 for your smartphone
- config.php: If you have Webcam and Google Weather then give them a room. It must be an existing room. Then you are able to hide them.
- fhem: if not already done then create rooms for your devices. There should be a room with less devices.
- optional: you should have access to your pgm3 over the internet. The perfect way is to have a dnsalias and something like a fritzbox. There are a lot of documentation in the WWW how to do that.
Create your optimized bookmark on smartphone
The following is the recommended way to have a perfect starting page on the smartphone:
- Point your smartphone to the starting page of the pgm3. If you have a dnsalias and a configured fritzbox try to access the dnsalias-address over Wireless Lan.
- Switch to the room with the less devices
- Your webcam and Google-Weather should be hided
- Hide everything which is not required on your future starting Page
- Bookmark this page on your smartphone.
- pgm3 is primary a website. This means that you have already to scroll into every direction :-)